Tuesday, April 1, 2014

iPhone 5 Full Review
iPhone 5 Full Review Part 3 - This really shows just how detailed this picture is and it really is 32 megapixels like what Apple says. And hereís a picture of the white iPhone 5 that I took with my black iPhone 5. This can also give you a little idea of what to expect with the white model. On the front of the device you will find another camera which is the Facetime HD camera which Apple claims is HD but looks more like a blown out version of the old one or like youíre recording on a cheap chinese camera you got on eBay. But with the smaller bezel on the top providing barely any room who can blame the tech giant? Now letís zoom over and take a look at the speed of the iPhone 5. The iPhone 5 is the most powerful consumer phone out at the moment. Thatís right the most powerful. Full stop. Yes, despite what Samsung says with their phone looking better on paper specs really donít matter and what does is the overall performance and use you get out of the phone and the iPhone 5 wins hands down. 

When comparing the iPhone 5 to the iPhone 4 you donít really see much of a difference but when youíre actually using it you can really tell the difference, everything just flows so smoothly, it takes barely any time to load and itís absolutely amazing and saves so much time. And to power this beast of a device is the new upgraded battery but you really wonít notice much of a battery life difference between this and the 4S. And the new iPhone is bundled with new earphones or EarPods as Apple calls them that provide dramatically clearer sound than the old ones. So just to recap the iPhoneís key features are the new two toned longer and stronger, thinner and lighter design, speed increase, relocated headphone jack, better battery, headphones, dock connector, sim card, and cameras. 

iPhone 5 Full Review
So should you buy the iPhone 5? If you are running a 3GS or anything lower, definitely yes. If you are funning a 4 I definitely recommend it if you have the budget and for the 4SÖ yes I do recommend it. Why? Because Apple currently employs a two year relese cycle with their phones. Every 2nd year Apple releases a big upgrade and the next year is a little upgrade and the iPhone 5 is definitely a big upgrade. This is why I bought the iPhone 4 less than a year ago instead of the 4S and this is why I recommend you buy the iPhone 5 even if you have a 4S and just sell your old one. Unless you want to wait for Appleís 7th generation iPhone of course. I hope you like a speed increase and some tiny software and hardware upgrades with pretty much exactly the same design because if the past iPhoneís are anything to go by, thatís what youíre getting. Of course if you want to get a new iPhone every year thatís up to you but for the average consumer Iíd say itís a bit excessive. And just remember that the new iPhone doesnít make any older iPhones any more featureless and they still work just about as well as the day you got them. 

Unless of course youíve damaged it which is always a great excuse to upgrade. And also you can have exactly the same iOS features on the 4S and for the 4 this can easily be achieved by jailbreaking and since the iPhone 4 has an A4 chip you can easily jailbreak it right now on any firmware. Which by the way I have heaps of tutorials for. Now to colour, I prefer black because when youíre watching movies at night it makes it so much more immersive if you canít see the screen and the display is very visible on the white model. Also the display blends into the bezel much better than on the old iPhone and this makes old letterboxed apps that havenít been updated look much better. 

iPhone 5 Full Review
If you are coming from an android phone or cheapie phone be prepared to commit because with Apple itís not just a phone, thereís your iTunes collection, vast App store and everything that makes the iPhone so much better that you just wonít want to leave once youíve gotten used to it. Appleís devices are a part of an ecosystem and if youíre buying an iPhone be prepared to enter it. Also some people say that Android phones are more customisable this is completely untrue, you can easily customise your phone with jailbreaking. Although a jailbreak for the iPhone 5 hasnít been released yet it will be released very soon. So anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this Post and if you want to check out my other iPhone 5 Posts there is a link to a playlist on all my iPhone 5 related Posts right here and in the description below. And be sure to hit that subscribe button above to be updated on more in the future.
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