Sunday, December 21, 2014

what's up guys awesome he ran this is the iPad air to and this is the Nexus anime these are the latest to therapists from Apple and Google and today we're going to do a quick comparison to see which one is the better tablet before we get started I'll be sure to take up both my 7reviews for a more in-depth look each these devices leaders link down in the description so the first thing really take a look at his design the most notable difference between the two is probably the screen size Yemen air maintained its 9.7 inch screen while the Nexus 9 sporty smaller 8.9 inch display people have the same 2048 by 1536 resolution to the net is known as a higher pixel density and slightly sharper display it was a really nice and bright display but like I mentioned in my review.

Apple iPad Air 2 MGLW2LL

There's a decent man a backlight believe it's pretty noticeable around the edges that the display speaking on the air to while the pixel density is not quite as high is still it's really good close a much more accurate than on the Nexus nine and it also has a limited display which not only makes it easier to view under bright lights but also makes the device much thinner than the Nexus not was not a huge difference it's almost two millimeters thinner than the Nexus 9 and is only contributes slightly this but the iPod is a much better feeling device but that's nothing new it's thinner made of metal and just really feels premium in solid it's what we've come to expect from Apple's design unfortunately while HTC arguably makes the best building Android phones.

I can't say the same about the tablets design isn't terrible but the bill just isn't that great you're not going to have the same satisfying feeling when you pick up this tablet it's wrapped in aluminum on the edges which is much more noticeable in the white version I have here but that seems to be the only effort they put into making this seem like a more premium device the ones on the size are really mushy and the back material you either hate it or love it in my view as you guys the black soft touch back this version has a smooth hard plastic finish to it a person like this move back better but they both have a bit give in Flex in the middle and you can actually feel the bombs were the electronics are place it's not a great feeling the one place where the Nexus 9 does Excel though is in the speaker's all kinda I receiver for the iPad in terms of pure sound quality because on the Nexus night aren't that great but their front facing and I love it.

like I said before they're really green for media which is likely something you'll be using the tablet for hoping they can improve on the actual quality later but at least they're in the right spot on the tablet so that's a designer the two towers I think it's pretty clear that the air to use the clear winner here it's been are made of metal and has an extremely solid build but I know love you care much more about what's running under the hood and this is where things get a little more even annexes nine is not a great harbour device but entered 5.0 is a fantastic piece of software lollipop is the best version major yet and you can turn a review for more in-depth coverage but everything about the OS is finely tuned in polished and if you're in and reduces your gonna love lollipop on a tablet it has a pretty essential features for tablet the iPad doesn't offer like multi-user support is not a critical for phones but it can definitely be extremely useful for talent says is likely vigil share this with many other members of her family another feature that be entered as better is voice recognition in search now sure I was her Siri but I don't think anything beats cool now it smart adaptive and responsive now course you can just download Google search on your iPad.

I mean that you can download is being able to just say okay now even when the screen is off and waking up your device you can do the same thing with Siri on the iPad but the tablet has to be plugged into work Olmert said iowa's is still also he'd read operating system if you have an iPhone if you've ever use another iPad it's the same thing it's always been at this point there's a great selection aP's on both the App Store and the Google Play Store but there are more tablet-optimized aP's running on the iPad so that's a huge plus their your head is extremely easy to just pick up and use in the performance is really consistent absolute really quickly and it never stutters when multitasking in running Ubuntu absent background.
Apple iPad Air 2 MGLW2LL

The Nexus is pretty decent too but the performance isn't as solid as the iPad and don't get me wrong it's still good but there is the occasional starter any can get hot under heavy loads overall the iPad 2 annexes nine are both good tablets they both offer you a good selection Habsi battery life the last couple days on the regular use and the portability to take it wherever you need it but which is the better tablet why was he even enter into ZS you'll probably want to go with the Nexus nine in vice versa but for the average consumer I have a really tough time recommeneded Nexus 9 over the iPad air to I use all entry services myself but there are just too many compromises with the Nexus 9 to truthfully say that it's the better tablet with the new iPad you can get up to 120 gigs of storage instead of just 32 on the Nexus it has a better build in a provides a similar experience on the server side in terms of quality even though it's a hundred dollars more than the Nexus I would still recommend the air to or even the original iPad air over the Nexus 9 if you want a solid and retail but you know you can consider this or even invidious shield but for anyone else who dis want to eat good tablet bill for the iPad.

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