Monday, March 31, 2014

MATTEL ELECTRONICS SOCCER REVIEW - Friends supporters, trading cards collectors and other crazy round-ball enthusiasts, greetings! Welcome to the third issue of Bleeping Relics Issue under the sign of French's favorite sport football. Indeed, the Bleeping Relics team was fielded and unearthed for you a game manufactured by Mattel Electronics: Soccer. Soccer being the appellation given to football in a place where the word football refers to a form of rugby played in hockey gear. But we confess not to know much in sport. Released in 1978 the machine belongs to one of the first generation of handheld electronic game. 

It is therefore by no less one of the first soccer simulation and even just sport. Note that Mattel Electronics released in the same period a fairly copious series of sport games as here using LED technology. Including a game named Football. ;) Now discover whether this sport simulation attempt is fair to the subtlety of soccer. On the field, of course, two teams Home and Visitor. Kickoff of the first half-time by Visitor! At the crossroads between console and team-play, Soccer seems to be a 2 player game Indeed, the hand passes consecutively from Visitor to Home whether a goal is scored or even when the ball is kicked out. 

This during the two halves of 45 minutes, contracted by 2 times counting 5 minutes and 20 seconds. Already long. The manual says, however, that each half lasts 4 minutes. First goal, Visitor scores. 1 to 0. Controls, consisting of 4 directional buttons, can lead the attacker only represented by a led slightly brighter than those from the 5 defenders and goalkeeper of the opposing team. The player with the ball at his feet - Either attacker or defender - is also highlighted. At both sides of the directional buttons, there are two buttons that perform each exactly the same function, namely shooting. Back then, Some designers of electronic games were very caring for ambidextrous. you will see that Soccer is not the only vintage game having this feature! If you play it with a friend, you will have no other choice but to give all your team defensive to the game machine, and can only rely on the lack of dexterity of your opponent, then alone against the computer, to hope that his shot will be deflected by the brilliant defense - defense that represents you until the next round-up - so you can retrieve the hand and try your turn to score against the machine. 

By cons, playing it alone as in this case, requires an almost surreal impartiality with oneself because you have no other choice but to favoring one or the other team against the electronic defense. Pending consideration and statistics of this non-sense, let's look on the match. Or rather half of a match. Indeed, with a half-court and the restricted ability to control a single attacker only, the game should have been called goal attack or Alone on the grass.  So you will need a lot of imagination to feel the thrill of the field while playing Mattel Electronics Soccer. Atarinho rushes forward. 

A golden opportunity he could not take Even though we are here dealing with players.  whom have everything to blow the lock. And another goal from Mattelazzi. truly in great shape today. N'gen Boi, who is still recovering from a thumb injury.  Another beautiful move unfortunately cleared out! Whistle of the referee Really exciting! Soccer, very archaic handheld limited in its gameplay, has at least disclosed the secret of its preservation. Probably after two or three match, the game quickly returned to his box in favor of a real ball. Mmmmmh. This melody sounds familiar. Mattel has released an enhanced version of the game, simply called soccer 2 therefore displaying a full court. Maybe Bleeping Relics will comment this return match in a few centuries. Beginning of the second half Maybe the defense of Visitor will weaken.
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