Saturday, December 20, 2014

Hi all. So you might remember yesterday I said why I wasn't bothering with The Crew. Well, during that post I have to say that I felt that Ubisoft had really thrown away customer service this year. In fact their quality control just seems to be absolutely atrocious and now we have message boards across the web being flooded with complaints related to Assassin's Creed Unity. It would appear whether you're playing it on PS4 Xbox One or on PC the frame rate is atrocious.
 xbox one assassin's creed unity bundle

PlayStation 4 users are reporting frame rates as low as 20 frames a second. Basically guys, don't bother buying Unity it appears that Ubisoft have completely cocked it up and they've released a substandard piece of junk. Yet again Ubisoft managed to prove that they are desperate to get that worst games development company in the world award away from EA. They're practically wrestling in the mud with them. These kind of issues really just smack of inconsistency on Ubisoft's part. They want to be a brilliant games company yet they're just not capable of delivering. After the absolute disaster of Watchdogs, after the lacklustre The Crew beta, and now here we have Assassin's Creed Unity, their biggest game and the frame rate is not 30 frames a second locked at all.
 xbox one assassin's creed unity bundle

In fact it's about 20 frames a second on average. These problems are occurring across PlayStation 4 Xbox One and PC. Yet again it's another substandard release from Ubisoft for now avoid Assassin's Creed Unity until they either iron these problems out or it goes bargain basement. It would also appear that Ubisoft decided to go with some in-app purchases here as well for $90. Yes $90 in-app purchases for a $60 game that doesn't work properly. Ubisoft you really are just getting the wooden spoon this year. Forget you basically. There is no point in buying any of Ubisoft's games this year because they're just junk really. Best thing we can do vote with our wallets, don't buy their titles and let them go back to the drawing board and work out how to produce games that we actually want to play.

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